This Week at TLC

Tips of the Month

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April Gardening Checklist

There’s no Time Like the Present!

  1. April is the ideal time to plant trees, shrubs and ground covers, but proper watering of newly planted trees and shrubs often means the difference between success and replacement.
  2. Most annual bedding plants, perennials, summer flowering bulbs (canna, dahlia, gladiolus) and annual flower seeds can be planted after danger of frost. This happens around mid-April in most of Oklahoma. Warm-season annuals, such as periwinkle and caladiums should not be planted until May, when soil temperatures are in the low 60s.
  3. Prepare soil in flower and vegetable beds with Back to Earth Soil Conditioner.
  4. Fertilize annual bedding plants at planting time with TLC Garden Max or Espoma Organic Flower-Tone.
  5. Preen Weed Preventer has a specialized formula to keep weed seeds from sprouting for three months around trees, shrubs, and flowers.
  6. Set out tender vegetable and herb plants after April 15th, such as tomatoes and peppers. Wait a little longer for it to warm up before planting cucurbit crops (gourds, melons, cucumbers, etc.) and okra. Fertilize with TLC Tomato & Vegetable Food or Espoma Organic Garden-Tone.
  7. Seed new areas or overseed existing areas of shady lawn grasses. Seed with TLC Premium Sun & Shade Mixture, Crossfire 4 Tall Fescue Seed, or Rebel Shady Lawn Mix and apply Fertilome New Lawn Starter Fertilizer.
  8. Make first full feeding of Bermuda grass lawns with TLC Premium Lawn Food. Established shady lawn grass, such as fescue, should also be fertilized now.
  9. Apply Scott’s Ultragreen Weed & Feed to control broadleaf weeds in the lawn.
  10. Feed trees and shrubs with TLC Tree, Shrub, and Landscape Food.
  11. Apply Bioadvanced Tree & Shrub for insect control. This prevents borers, bagworms, webworms, scale and other insects for 12 months.
  12. Feed roses with Bio Advanced All-In-One Rose & Flower Care.
  13. Prune spring flowering plants such as azaleas, forsythia and lilac as soon as they are finished blooming.
  14. Let spring flowering bulb foliage (daffodil, tulip, etc) remain as long as possible before removing.
  15. Continue spray schedules for fruit trees using Bonide Fruit Tree Spray. Do not spray insecticides during fruit tree bloom or pollination may be affected.
  16. If lawn grubs are present, treat with Bio Advanced Grub Control plus Turf Revitalizer.
  17. Control of powdery mildew, leaf spot diseases and blights can be done with early detection and regular treatment. Lace bugs, aphids, spider mites, bagworms, cutworms, flea beetles and other pests can start popping up in the landscape and garden later this month. Keep a close eye on all plants and bring samples of insects or damage to TLC Garden Centers for diagnosis.

We wish you a fruitful and fabulous growing season!

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TLC Flagship Garden Center - Memorial

105 W. Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

(405) 751-0630

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm

TLC Northwest

8208 Northwest Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

(405) 720-0091

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm