Learn to balance your pH levels with the right fertilizers and more.

Add color to your garden next spring with fall planted bulbs!

Know what the most important part of gardening is? You guessed it: Soil.

By selecting perennials with different flowering times, you can extend the perennials color over longer periods of time.

This perennial is tried and true in the hot Oklahoma summer sun.

In Oklahoma they can tolerate light shade, especially in the hot summer months.

The biggest attraction to these is their foliage itself and the color variations contrast with one another.

Meadow Sage with its hues of purple, blue, red and white can be seen blanketing garden beds throughout Oklahoma.

Large yellow flower heads with brown or black centers protrude on tall, fuzzy stems with their foliage staying lower to the ground.

Garden Phlox tends to be the more popular of the two because of its longer bloom time.

Monarda is great for mass plantings in garden beds or in container gardens.

Milkweed is the number one food source and nesting place for Monarch Butterflies.