This versatile shade perennial is a must-have for any woodland, rock, container or perennial garden.

It is best to stagger them with other varieties so bloom times overlap, giving you a continuous flow of flower production.

Agastache, sometimes known as hyssop or hummingbird mint, is a native of the Midwest and Great Plains regions.
Watch how-to videos on the proper way to plant trees & shrubs. Then download the instructions.

Creating a healthy habitat for butterflies, bees and birds.

The purpose of adequate moisture is to keep your newly planted trees and shrubs alive, and establish a healthy root system.

Canna, Caladium, Elephant Ear! Summer flowering bulbs and tubers! When to plant and the TLC Plant Professional Tips for Success!

Fighting the deer to keep your plants, trees and shrubs safe? Choose deer resistant varieties and be one step ahead in the battle.

Achieve shade perennial perfection! The shady spot in your garden doesn't have to be bare. Choose a colorful TLC Shade Perennial.

When the Oklahoma heat kicks in, make sure you choose the most durable heating loving plants. Colorful and Drought Tolerant!

Tips for keeping your plants and flowers free from intrusive weeds & grass.

The best known ground cover, a lawn, is unsurpassed as a surface to walk and play, but where foot traffic is ...