This versatile shade perennial is a must-have for any woodland, rock, container or perennial garden.

It is best to stagger them with other varieties so bloom times overlap, giving you a continuous flow of flower production.

Agastache, sometimes known as hyssop or hummingbird mint, is a native of the Midwest and Great Plains regions.

Pentas are an outstanding choice for garden beds and containers alike.

Hues of reds, oranges, yellows and a little purple draw the eye straight to them from afar because of their vibrant nature.

Lobularia is a very popular early spring bloomer know for its stark white flower clusters and sweet smelling aroma.

TLC Garden's Complete Guide to Growing TLC Impatiens!

Its clumping habit helps lend its services as an excellent bedding plant is does very well planted in mass.

Its fuzzy gray-green foliage and limbs sprawls the ground creating a carpet like display.

Its very low maintenance and heat and drought tolerance make it a popular choice for the hot Oklahoma summer sun.

Angelonia provides excellent color from spring through fall.

Oklahoma hardy flowering shrubs. See these recommendations to shower your spring garden with spectacular color.