This Week at TLC

Tips of the Month

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Brilliant Shade Shrubs

Dwarf Burning Bush

A compact deciduous shrub 5 to 6 feet in height and 6 to 8 feet in width. It forms a dense, twiggy, and flat-topped mound. Dark green leaves turn a brilliant rose-red in fall.

Emerald Gaiety Euonymus

A low-mounding evergreen shrub that matures at 2 feet high and 5 feet wide. Foliage is deep green with a wide margin of pure gold, turning pink-red in cold weather.

Manhattan Euonymus

An upright, rounded evergreen shrub featuring glossy dark green leaves. Reaches 6 to 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide. A great choice for a sheared hedge or informal screen.


Re-blooms fragrantly through summer and fall. Enjoy milky white double blooms and rich aroma with this compact evergreen shrub. Reaches 2 to 4 feet tall and wide.

Endless Summer Hydrangea

Large, mophead flowers bloom in spring and repeat through fall. Blooms are pink in alkaline soils and blue in acidic soils. Matures at 3 to 5 feet tall and wide.

Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea

White flower spikes aging to a lovely rose-pink as they mature in late summer. Burgundy-red fall color and peeling cinnamon bark. Matures at 8 to 12 feet tall and wide.

Japanese Kerria

Deciduous shrub with bright green leaves on Upright arching stems. Grows 5 to 10 feet tall and wide. Bright green stems with brilliant 1 to 2 inch double yellow flowers in spring.


Vibrant neon pink flowers in spring are highlighted by the ruby-red foliage that persists throughout the year. Spreading growth habit reaches 2 to 4 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide.


Several different varieties are available that vary in growth habit, mature size, and leaf shape and color. Mahonia produce golden yellow blossoms followed by blue-black grape-like fruit.

Red Japanese Maple

Slow growing, small round-headed shrub or tree. Foliage is deep red to black-red turning bright crimson in the fall. Many varieties are available that grow to varying sizes.


Forms a compact mound with good red winter foliage. Vigorous growth with blue-green summer foliage. Several varieties available with mature sizes ranging from 2 to 5 feet tall.


An evergreen groundcover with lustrous, shiny green leaves that grows in deep shade and is a good groundcover. Has white spring flowers. Matures to 12 inches tall and wide.


Several different varieties are available that varying in growth habit, mature size, and needle colors of blue and green. Perform best with some sun.

Henry’s Garnet Sweetspire

Rounded shrub with arching branches that grows 3 to 5 feet tall. Large, white fragrant flowers in early summer. Fall color is a brilliant dark maroon with hints of pink and red.


They havea low-growing, wide-spreading habit with a very dense center and dark green needles .Available in both spreading varieties that grow 2 to 5 feet tall and 6 to 8 and upright varieties that grow 6 to 8 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide. Grows in deep shade.

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TLC Flagship Garden Center - Memorial

105 W. Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

(405) 751-0630

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm

TLC Northwest

8208 Northwest Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

(405) 720-0091

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm