This Week at TLC

Tips of the Month

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Flowering Shrubs: Sensational Spring Color

Spring Flowering shrubs burst upon landscape when we need them most. Fulfilling the promise of spring these shrubs provide floral color after Old Man Winter’s icy grip. Deciduous spring flowering shrubs are the easiest group of shrubs to grow and have been favorites for a long time. They are tough, durable, and will tolerate a wide range of conditions. They will grow in full sun or part shade, but require a minimum of 6 hours of sun in order to produce flowers. Once established these shrubs are very drought tolerant and require minimal care. Best of all, they provide spectacular flowers. The following are TLC Garden Centers’ recommendations.

Tangerine Beauty Cross-vine is a vigorous semi-evergreen to evergreen climbing vine. Clusters of bright yellow-red tubular flowers are produced in spring. This vigorous grower can reach 30 feet long.

Forsythia has large, rich golden-yellow flowers completely shrouding the bare stems. It becomes the focal the focal point of the landscape when in full bloom and blends well with other plants when the rich green foliage emerges after the flowers. Grow 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide.

Carolina Yellow Jessamine is very showy early in the spring with glossy foliage and clusters of bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers and evergreen foliage.  Rapid growing, twining vine or mounding shrub.

Japanese Rose Kerria with beautiful, arching, bright green branches form a mound 5-10 feet tall and wide. In spring, masses of brilliant, double yellow flowers open, resembling small rose blossoms. Bright green summer foliage displays an attractive yellow color in fall.

Bloomerang Lilac allows you to enjoy classic fragrance for months instead of weeks! This revolutionary new kind of Lilac, blooms in spring, rests in the heat of summer, and then flowers again in late-summer. This dwarf mounded shrub reaches 4-5 feet tall bearing royal purple buds that open to purple flowers.

Lavender Lady Lilac has spectacular clusters of fragrant lavender flowers in April until mid-May. Open branched, upright form reaches 8-12 feet tall and is useful as a hedge, screen or accent.

Purple Persian Lilac is a vigorous, upright grower to a height of 4-8 feet with a profusion of fragrant lilac-purple blossoms in the spring. One of the best lilacs because of its free blooming qualities.

Royal Star Magnolia is a medium, upright growing deciduous shrub or small flowering tree. Abundant white fragrant flowers appear in spring. Grows 15 to 20 feet tall with a 10 to 15 foot spread.

Snowflake Mockorange has very fragrant, double, pure white flowers. Free flowing form with dark green foliage. Blooms several times during the season. Grows to 6 feet tall and 5 feet wide.

Double Take Quince puts on a spectacular early season display of intense colored blossoms in orange, pink or scarlet. More than just pretty flowers, they are easy to care for, having neither thorns nor fruit. Once established, they are extremely drought tolerant. This moderate grower reaches 3 to 4 feet tall.

Bridal Wreath Spiraea has arching, slender branches covered with clusters of double white flowers in early spring. Dark green foliage, it reaches a height of 4 to 6 feet with a similar spread.

Henry’s Garnet Sweetspire is a compact, rounded shrub with arching branches that grows 3 to 5 feet tall by 4 to 6 feet wide. Large, white fragrant flowers in late spring to early summer. Long-lasting fall color is a brilliant dark maroon with hints of pink and red. A dwarf variety called Little Henry’s only grows 2 to 3 feet tall and wide.

Eastern Snowball Viburnum has many clusters of large pure white snowball-like flowers covering this shrub in late spring. It grows 8 to 12 feet in height with a spread of 10 to 15 feet with bright green foliage with reddish overtones in fall.

Sonic Bloom Red Weigela has a remarkable burst of lipstick-red flowers in spring followed by waves of re-blooming flowers until frost make Sonic Bloom Weigela a must-have shrub. Mature size is 4 to 5 feet in height and width. A Sonic Bloom Pink is also available.

Wine & Roses Weigela dark burgundy-purple leaves shimmer like a fine wine. Hot, rose-pink flowers are displayed in spring against dark glossy foliage. Leaf color does not fade in summer and intensifies as autumn approaches. Grows 4 to 6 feet tall and wide.

Wisteria is a vigorous twining vine which produces 4 to 6 inch long clusters of violet-blue flowers in the spring. As a vine, it can grow to 35 feet and develops an attractive twisted, woody trunk with age. 

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TLC Flagship Garden Center - Memorial

105 W. Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

(405) 751-0630

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm

TLC Northwest

8208 Northwest Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

(405) 720-0091

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm