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Weeping Lebanon Cedar Tree

Weeping Lebanon Cedar Tree in Oklahoma | TLC Garden Centers

The Facts

Height: 25′
Spread: 15′
Sun: Full Sun
Water: Medium
Soil: Well-Drained
Growth Rate: Moderate

Lebanon Cedar (Cedrus libani) is native to the eastern Mediterranean region, including Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria. It is more widely planted as a highly regarded ornamental.

This irregular, upright Lebanon Cedar produces a graceful, vertical form with long, pendulous branches covered with long, stiff and dark green needles. The slow-growing tree develops an impressive stature, with a large trunk, wide, spreading branches and a flat-topped crown.

Occasional, horizontal branches look like and arm or a leg. Its bark backdrops the vibrant green needles with a gray-brown, speckled hue. Male flowers, or cones, are elongated yellow-brown catkins; while female cones appear to have a somewhat purple tint to them and are slightly resinous.

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TLC Flagship Garden Center - Memorial

105 W. Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

(405) 751-0630

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm

TLC Northwest

8208 Northwest Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

(405) 720-0091

Monday-Saturday | 9am to 6pm
Sunday | 11am to 6pm