Several factors should be considered before selecting a tree for the home landscape.

A graceful tree that forms a rounded canopy with arching branches.

Lebanon Cedar (Cedrus libani) is native to the eastern Mediterranean region, including Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria.

Vitex is a grand beauty throughout the Oklahoma landscape.

This handsome selection maintains a more dense, upright form than other similar plants.

The Swamp White Oak is a regal variety. Its vast, grand and stately presence give and aire of elegance to the landscape.

Spartan Junipers are widely revered for their narrow growth habit and tall stature...

Sweetgums have long been an American favorite.

This oak is long lived and respected in the horticulture community.

Although it looks like a needled evergreen, it is in fact deciduous (tree)...

The bluest of the deodars, Sanders Blue is a true contrast to its cousins.

These true American elms are nothing, but grace and beauty with their upright vase-shaped growth habit.