Stachys displays soft, almost fuzzy, elongated silvery-gray foliage, similar to the look of a lamb’s ear.

Hostas do not mind wet feet; especially in hotter climates.

Heuchera is the perfect choice for any shady space that needs a flair of color and texture.

Hellebore, sometimes called Lenten Rose, is great for use as a border in perennial beds or in containers.

Plumbago works well as a ground cover in perennial beds and as a ‘spiller’ for containers.

Gaura's clumping habit almost makes them appear like thickets.

Gaillardia or Blanket Flower is the State of Oklahoma wildflower.

As long as these beauties have wet feet, they will be wonderful additions to any shady areas.

Echinacea's vibrant hues draw the eye to the large flowers it produces.

The Daylily is often referred to as “the perfect perennial” for its wide adaptibility.

Coreopsis is a native of the plains and is often referred to as tickseed.

It is a mid-height perennial that produces brilliant color for shade gardens.