Learn to balance your pH levels with the right fertilizers and more.

Proper pruning can make or break your garden. Get the pro tips.

Several factors should be considered before selecting a tree for the home landscape.

How to keep your plants happy and hydrated through the cold months.

When ice damages your cedar trees, TLC has your back with tips on how to help them recover.

Know what the most important part of gardening is? You guessed it: Soil.

Lebanon Cedar (Cedrus libani) is native to the eastern Mediterranean region, including Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria.

This handsome selection maintains a more dense, upright form than other similar plants.

Spartan Junipers are widely revered for their narrow growth habit and tall stature...

The bluest of the deodars, Sanders Blue is a true contrast to its cousins.

These hollies are among the most popular for their rapid growth rate...

Its name derives from the man who returned with and cultivated it from Afghanistan in the 1970โs.